Explore Access is a web resource of the University of Arkansas – Partners for Inclusive Communities. The resources on this site have been developed with funding from a variety of sources. Primary funding has been provided by the Southwest ADA Center, a program of the Independent Living Resource Utilization (ILRU)in Houston, Texas and a part of the ADA National Networks serving Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Texas.
Partners for Inclusive Communities serves as a regional affiliate of the Southwest ADA Center and focuses on increasing the capacity of Arkansas agencies to improve access for people with disabilities. Project staff are available to provide training and technical assistance on topics related to the ADA—physical access, programmatic access and digital access.
Some of the resources on this site are provided through another project with support from Arkansas Rehabilitation Services, Increasing Capabilities Access Network (iCAN).
For more information, contact:
- Melanie Thornton, M.A., C.P.A.C.C. mthornt@uark.edu
- Roberta E. Sick, M.Ed., C.R.C., L.P.C., sick@uark.edu
The contents of this website do not necessarily represent the policy of the funders and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government.